Monday, May 31, 2010

Beach Day

With the amount of activities I have had the past several weeks, it has been difficult to write on a daily basis. Once I return home, I hope to go back to a daily routine, but or now, it's whenever I get the chance! I am eating a bowl of oatmeal with milk, honey, and blueberries. I remember when the baby was the size of a  blueberry! Now my baby is about an inch long. All sources clash a little with accurate size, so we will go with the size of an apricot, maybe a bit bigger. Everyone wants to feel my belly, but the truth is, there's still not much to feel! Most of it is poochy from the extra food I am eating. :) There is a bit of a difference from 10 weeks ago when my stomach was entirely flat, but this part is so low one can only tell if I am in a bathing suit and point it out.
Today we are going to the beach. My brother in law will be taking his boat out and it will be fun to watch the 2nd lieutenants, 8 who traveled from New York to be here, fly around on the back of the tubes on the lake. I don't imagine the water will be bearable to even get in, but I'm sure riding the back of the boat will stil be fun. I have been really careful of sunburn, as I have heard pregnant women can blister easily.
My mom and I made a shirt that past couple days that I can wear at my family reunion for my Grandma and two Uncles, since they still do not know I am pregnant. I am really excited to wear it. On the front is Navy Baby on Deck with a picture of a baby in the womb, and the back says "I grow people! What's your super power?" Hehee. I told my sister for the first time yesterday that I am pregnant. I showed her my five week ultra sound pictures and she stared for a while and then saw the date and then said, May 4? May 4? What?! And then we finally got that she thought she was staring at last year's ultra sound not this years. :) So she was excited and surprised. We made smores last night at our outdoor campfire.
Gotta get to the beach now! More to come :)

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