Last night we went out for sushi. Yes, sushi. I had to practically beg my sushi loving pregnant friend to go. Why? Because she's just mad she can't eat 'real' sushi, aka, the raw stuff! :) I told her something is better than nothing. We both ordered shrimp tempura, and for those non sushi eating fans, this means fried, aka cooked. However, she ate fish sauce and I ate fish eggs which were on the outside of my sushi. So we still both cheated just a bit but I think we will survive.
This morning I organized all my crap and decided what I can haul to SD to drop off and what I can keep with me to use and pack to Philadelphia. My friend and I are going to leave in about an hour to leave for a five hour road trip from Colorado to South Dakota. I am going to surprise my nephew who is graduating from high school, along with my niece and her friends, which happen to be some of my past campers, so this weekend should be really fun. Because it is graduation for my nephew, I am going to do my best to keep my mouth shut about being pregnant, so that I don't overshadow him. I have yet to tell any in laws about my pregnancy. I plan to do that the week after in Philadelphia before all of the New York festivities for my other nephew's West Point graduation.
I woke up probably around seven this morning sick as a dog! I am only getting more sick not less sick, which really, is fine by me! I enjoy knowing that I still have a healthy pregnancy, no matter how crappy I may feel. I tried to go back to sleep and tossed for an hour with nausea and discomfort. The saltine crackers on my nightstand and the B6 I took the night before didn't touch me. I got up and ate a granola bar and finally was able to fall back to sleep. I feel really good about this pregnancy so far. I'm really more excited than anything.
My friend was given some gender prediction test kits. Yes, you read that right. Apparently you can pee on a stick after 12 weeks and it will tell you if you are having a girl or a boy. Of course, I don't put much stock into this because if it were that simple, hospitals would perform urine samples not ultrasounds for gender. Oh well, seems fun anyway. So, in a few weeks we will both be taking a test, and probably will find out the gender we want is not the one we are predicted to receive! All is good though, long as they are healthy and actually born. :)
I am starting to look pregnant. I don't know if it's all the food and liquids I have been eating or what, but I do know I cannot make my stomach flat no matter how hard I try (which hasn't been too hard!) and my very low abdomen has a peculiar curve to it :) Yesterday my jeans didn't button so I used a hair tye to keep my pants shut. Belly band, here I come!
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