I am SOOOO tired. I want to tell you as many details as I can remember but it might have to be in pieces cuz i really can barely look at the screen and i still have to take a quiz tonight before I go to bed for my class! Internet didn't work at hotel yesterday at all and tonight we just got back after leave at six am and it is 8pm now.
NY city is probably an hour from where we are now i dont think we are going. We are going to tour Philadelphia tomorrow and tuesday to see gettysburg, the liberty bell stuff like that. Since i've already been to NY I am pretty excited about our plan.
I am an excellent mini van driver even ask your parents. They've complimented me a few times and I do really well in the traffic. I have had no issues and do not plan to have any. at first i was nervous driving 6 plus beaner around but i'm doing well. i got a little sun today but not bad really. Grad was outside and although i was in shade and sun not shiny it was still out. President Obama spoke. he gave a really good speech, but as JD said it was just a bit replicated over and over. Then we went to JD's commissioning ceremony and i recorded Adam's pinning and speech to him for you. I only have two min of battery left on the camera and have yet to get pics of JD with his saber.
it's been a really late night/early day for all of us. last night we had the ball. I danced with the nephews. It went well but i was really tired and my feet hurt really bad and overall just worn out. i hope to get some good rest tonight. we dont leave till 9am so should be pretty good. i am sitting in your mom dad room alone now. tonight i get my own bed in your rents room. Yesterday Joel D gave the whole family a tour of west point. we wakled around a lot. They are HUGE MASSIVE granite stone buildings, huge fields, it was pretty amazing. They feed 5,000 cadets in 30 min in the dining hall. The parade grounds on campus are the 2nd most expensive govt land care, for watering the lawn and stuff. white house is first. I got some neat pics. I feel really bad i did not bring the good camcorder only the camera, as i literally had zero room for it. but i think i got some decent stuff to share with you anyway
The weather has been really decent. I have worn sundresses all day each day we have been in NY. Everyone in the family now knows I am pregnant. It was hard telling brother in law because I know they have been trying but he was still happy for us. I have some legitimate blisters on my pinky toes from being super cute shoed every day :)
Oh, and your dad, for whatever reason, thought he'd be okay taking a pocket knife to west point graduation where we were metal detected and searched through a screening phase where of all people the President of the US was giong to be. So, his beloved pocket knife was confiscated. I sat next to Adam during graduation. It was fun just having small talk chit chat with him. We all really missed you, me especially. It sucks being young but not 18 -22, and being older, but not 40-above. I kinda outta place and now especially everyone has been drinking all weekend, they have all had a drink at some point, yes ALL of them,except the kids under 18, but every single member at some point has had at least one or two min drinks. Not me of course. :) We did a ton of walking yesterday at west point. I bet 18-20thousand people were at graduation. Oh! The first night we went on a dinner boat cruise. it was a beautiful day out on the hudson river and i got to watch the sun go down. the guys smoked cigars JT shared with everyone and there was lots of dancing (not me) and drinking (not me) but it was a beautiful night. Joel D LOVES his saber and is really really really happy with it. He has been very good to me, appreciative, hugging, etc. he really misses that you are not here but he understands.
Toured philadelphia today saw the liberty bell, Independence hall where declaration of independence was signed, and some other stuff around philadelphia, including the oldest street in the nation, which is still occupied. Tomorrow we go to Gettysburg. I'm tired. I have been driving EVERYWHERE! I'm really good at it. :) I'm tired of seeing sights. I'm ready to go home and be with you. I'm actually even ready to go back to work, as dorky as that is. I kinda miss the gym. I wish I felt better. I feel like a lazy cow. I should probaby start working out. I have been kinda scared to work out.
JD hugged me countless times and thanked us countless times. He knows you are very proud of him and i will continue to convey that to him. I got pics of him w/ sword in t shirt like your very first pics at home. When he gets home he is going to get professional photos taken for us. Today we go to gettysburg and apparently it is a 3 hour drive!! UGH!!
Glad you got pizza and movie night. Sounds good break for you. Beaner is no longer of olive size. He is about two inches long from crown to rump, which means his legs add longer length than that. he is growing :) So is my abdomen :) Not a lot so dont expect a huge change but you can feel the difference. I will write you more either tonight after trip or in morning when i have more time.
I just got a little sun from the week. I've been taking care of myself pretty good against sun. Josh did not come to graduation. surprise surprise. My kidneys are not punching bags, nor will they be. :) And you do not have to get a sympathy belly! I can do that all on my own. And I do not know how much I weigh right now. Is probably just the upper part of my body which has made me have to get larger shirts. oh, and cuz my belly sticks out more, the smaller shirts are shorter so I need larger shirts so they are longer. :)
You wrote me lots of emails I appreciate that. I know this time i have been slacking. seriously too busy! Last night we got home from gettysburg around 930PM and I had driven the whole way there back and the three hour vehicle tour. It was three hour drive there and three hours back. I had a major headache, back hurt, worn out and felt sick on way home. I just crashed in bed last night. It was good tour but most pics will come from yoru moms camera. the battery died on me after graduation and i did not bring the charger.
Okay, so that's been the missing days. Today I am chilling, packing, studying, sleeping, and doing as little as possible! I did not obviously, correct my errors, nor do I intend to now! So you get the raw footage of the week in the point of view to my husband (minus a few details). Going to pack now :)
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