Monday, May 3, 2010

Shop Shop Shopping!

I failed to write yesterday because, although I never made it to Canada, I did get to go to a great big mall and shop till I almost dropped! :) I am getting ready for my big trip to the big city for the big West Point graduation. Apparently I have to look like a million bucks every day I am there, so I figured I'd put some effort into my outfits. I picked up a bunch of fancy bling bling, some additional outfit items, as well as two new bras! I will spare the details (for those male readers, particularly related male members) but I will say that I was pretty much in awe and shock when.... first of all, I shop at Victoria's Secret for bras and nowhere else. The last size I purchased was a bit roomy for me, but the size down wouldn't do. So, the band size stayed the same (my rib cage is tiny) but the cup size went up three, count them, THREE sizes! Weird. So now, I have two new bras that look absolutely huge and I never would have picked them out myself, except when I put them on they actually fit. This is what happens when you eat A LOT. :)

I stopped into Babies-R-Us for gifting two friends with recent additions to their own families. While there, I couldn't resist purchasing a gender neutral little outfit. I did this last time with no baby to wear it, and this time I hope I will have a baby to wear them both. I know it's too early to be buying things, but one outfit won't kill the budget and it makes me smile when I look at it, with hope and future wishes.

Today I am going to attempt to pack a carry on suitcase and a backpack with all the things I must take with me (and a whole bunch I just want to bring!) Morning sickness, move over, airplane sickness is ready to conquer you! (Good thing for B6 and Zofran!)

I wanted to get my hair and nails done before this big military ball, but FORTUNATELY, there's good reasons why this cannot be done. I have, I think, talked my bestie into getting pedicures together. Although she hates them so, we are definitely going for it! At least I'll have cute toes. :)

Two finals left, one house to clean, and two bags to pack. Ultrasound tomorrow!! Good things are happening!!


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