Saturday, May 1, 2010

Passport Wishing

Another boring day. Today is one of those days where I wonder if I should write for the sake of marking the day, regardless my lack of interesting information, or not write in hopes of keeping boredom out of my blog! However, sometimes boredom is a good thing and doing nothing is actually useful. This morning I was supposed to wake up at five am to take my final exam in research methods. However, Beaner decided I was not getting out of bed until six am. He does that to me a lot lately! Yesterday was a long day of back pain, again, newly contributed to the nice hormones swimming around my body. Blame the Beaner! So anyway, thanks to my disabling back pain, I was able to take the disability exam, which was my saving grace with these new pregnancy changes, where starting the exam later was actually possible. (Thank you to my school!) The exam came back with the most horrible score I have ever seen. Again, I'm blaming this on the fact that pregnancy websites are far more exciting lately than research methods (No offense Dr.P!) But in reality, there was a scoring error and so I didn't do as terribly as I had originally thought. Which, is a really good thing because now I will not have to retake this complicated class while having a newborn around.

After the exam, I got ready for work and sat around there for a few hours, mostly just to relieve my coworkers for lunch breaks. By the time I got home, the bed was calling my name and it did not take me long to fall asleep! When I woke up, I had the driving urge to go buy chocolate milk, which meant having to drive to the store. Since I rarely drive  anywhere, this is a good sign that I really wanted that milk! And not the powdered or syrup chocolate, but the pre-mixed in the carton, thick and sugary like a shake only not frozen--chocolate milk! That and a Totinos pizza. Yes, tiny eater me ate the whole thing. Tonight I'm having ice cream. Veggies you ask? I get those from Odwalla super power antioxidant etc. etc. etc. fruit juices. Did you know they make one that has 16 grams of GRAIN in it?! Yes, I did say grain. You can get your grain servings by drinking it now! Crazy! And actually, it tastes pretty delicious.

Oh yeah, the subject, I almost forgot! So my sister-in-law called me today and asked what I am doing Sunday and Monday. I said absolutely nothing. She said, good, cuz I'm in Canada, you should drive up and stay with me! I was soooo excited....except for the fact that I do not have my passport. Total Bummer! Beaner and I would've been so into shopping with the sis-in-law! She is there for conferences. I am so close, yet, so far! Oh well. I do see her soon enough, middle of May anyway. But, it sure would have made my sleeping/napping/eating/peeing/sleeping/movies/studying day go a whole lot faster! Counting down till Tuesday when Beaner gets his first photo shoot. I bet he's jumping around already!

1 comment:

  1. Even your boring days are exciting for me, Keep it coming! Can't wait till I can print these out and let my mom read this. She'll love it too!
