Saturday, May 8, 2010

The answer to yesterday's post: Definitely Pregnant!

Okay, so, it is 8PM and I am writing from my bed. I am only writing out of sheer dedication for my very few faithful readers. This will be short...

Nausea this morning through early afternoon. Then, tiredness. Ate a ton of food at Casa Bonita. Went to Iron Man 2 prior. It was a fantastic movie. Drove back home. (We are about an hour from Denver, Dad's house.)

Now for more pregnancy news. Engorged is the word for the day. Never have I felt so engorged, so much pain. Think about what I am talking about, if I really have to tell you because you must know, I will, but as a hint, I am trying to keep this to a minimum on private details! For other news... I probably eat more than I should. Actually, probably not, but it seems like it because I definitely eat more than ever before. If I don't eat something like every two hours, I can't make it through the day. Partially, this is to please my doctor and gain weight, partially because I get so hungry, or nauseaus, and also.... because it makes me feel like I'm doing my best.

So the husband wrote today. He asked if by the time he gets home if Beaner will be the size of a kidney bean. I wrote back to inform him that Beaner will actually be the size of a plum! I think that will shock him, since he has no clue :) He also asked if we are having twins. I told him we are still not sure, but not to get his hopes up.

Sleep is calling...

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