Friday, May 7, 2010

Pregnant or Lazy?

Wow, I sleep a lot. So last night I went to bed at 8PM woke up at 7AM, and this afternoon, just awoke from a two hour nap. Is this normal!? So this morning I went to middle school with my Dad. How exactly do I explain the experience? Well.... for starters, the actual building's architecture is round. We are talking, round walls, round ceilings. There are no straight walls in the building. It is quite interesting and very hard to explain. As Dad says, you can't monitor the halls because you look down them and they curve, so you cannot see around the corners. Aside from interesting, this set up is scary with the type of kids there. A kid can bring a gun to school, (and they have at this school) and walk around the corner and shoot people without anyone seeing him do it. My Dad's room is through the cafeteria, down the stairs into the gym, around a hall, through an empty room, and in the very back of the basement next to no one else. The actual computer lab is pretty nice. Each kid gets their own flat screen dell computer. So first period began and 8th graders come in through the outside door, which is basically a barren cement lot fenced in. The 8th graders were TERRIBLE. I mean, loud, vulgar, cussing, talking while he talked, walking around, not sitting down, screwing with other kids, not doing their assignments. When they finally did turn in their quiz, I graded them.... more than 60% got zeros (yes, there were answers, just not the right ones) 25% got 6 or 7 out of 9 wrong, 10% got 2-4wrong and the rest got 100 percent. Public school system is going downhill. Dad says they push them through so they keep getting government funding per child. He does a good job teaching them. He is rated as very high for kids actually learning something and doing their work. This shows you how much they never do anything in any class. 5% of the entire school population are homeless, many cannot read. Then there's an entire population of kids who speak no English or very little, from Mexican, Somalian, and Koreans. They get pushed on too just because, again, its public school and they have to be in school.

The experience made me 1. Sad. Sad that kids can be so out of control, clueless, uncaring. Many were in or wanted to be in gangs. 2. Scared. Scared of when my children are school age and wondering how terrible it could actually be. Scared for my Dad working there. Yes, the kids are little terrors who have futures in prison (there were about two great kids per class), but I think my Dad did an amazing job handling them, and I don't think he would be a target for a whacko kid with a gun going crazy. I know I couldn't work there!

So back to prego things... Umm, I had breakfast, then I had like three snacks while at school for the morning, came home and made lunch. Took nap, woke up and had another snack, and now, sitting here on the couch feeling like a lazy lazy person! School doesn't start up again for me until May 17th so I'm taking advantage of the vacation! I am trying to drink my two liters of water. Harder done than said! We are almost through one and it's already 4PM. Dave wants me to send a list of girl names to him. so far I only have one.

Tonight we are going out with the teachers for Teacher Fridays. then we are going to rent Ironman 1 so that tomorrow when we go to Imax movie Ironman 2, they will have seen the first one already!

Oh.... and according to LMP period date, I am seven weeks and 2  days. According to conception date, (which I feel very comfortable with) I am 6 weeks and 1 day. So... if conception date is actually the right one (which they don't go by) then the ultrasound would make even more sense now! Just a thought...

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