Saturday, June 5, 2010

Family Reunion Weekend

The week went well. I spent time with my niece and nephew, and all of my nephew's friends. This weekend I am in Nebraska attending a family reunionn for my Grandma's 'side' so to speak. Today my mom and niece went to the zoo. I felt like a little kid because my mom bought my ticket and bought me a snow cone. :) Beaner likes anything slushie like, so it was a good day. My skin however, did not have a good day as sun has conquered once again to turn me red, dry, and a tad bit blistery!
I have been less and less sick. Last night my back hurt a lot so I took my first vicoden in weeks. My doctor claims it to be safe, but I know if I take too many my baby can become a vicoden addicted baby. So, I limit myself as much as possible!
I feel pretty good about my pregnancy so far. Although I miss my bed, my home, my own place--traveling has been okay and I've taken care of myself pretty well, all things considered. I lack the proper amount of vegetables, but some things are not as important as others :)
I am sitting in the pool area at the family reunion typing this, and wishing greatly that I can get into the hot tub! I had prime rib tonight which was pretty good. We watched a slide show of a bunch of people I don't know and a bunch I do! My Uncles took a picture with me and said it is so I will see where my babies get their looks from! Yeah... umm....right.... :)
My good friend, who is a month from giving birth, gave me two wonderful books. One is about a bunny that I will read to my baby someday and the other is a really neat book about birth through the first five years of my child's life in which I can record all the mile stones, including pictures and even a place for a lock of hair!
I am excited to be pregnant and to know that time is going by, so my safety zone is feeling better and better.
Beaner is growing daily and depending on who you listen too, Beaner is between the size of a lime and a peach at this point. I'm really excited for my ultrasound in five days!! To be continued!

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