Some places it is not a good thing that people recognize you. Church, yes. The bar, for some people. Your neighborhood, okay. But the EMERGENCY ROOM!?!? . . . Only me.
So yes, last night was spent in the emergency room. No, last evening, I didn't actually spend the whole night. Nearly five hours though. I decided this time, with Beaner in tow, I was NOT taking chances. So here's the story...
At 3:45AM on Wednesday morning I woke up with a bloody nose. I showed up to work at 4:30 AM. I suffered through the morning with nausea and morning sickness. It never got better. By 10 AM I took a break and went home and made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then, I went back to work. By noon, my coworker (after trying to get me to go home all morning) told me to go take another break and lay down for a while. He said I looked terrible. No, horrible. He said, "No offense, but you look really horrible." So I went and laid down. Then, at 12:30 I came back to cash out of my drawer. By 12:55 I had had enough and took off for home. By two PM the nausea was intense and I began throwing up. Too much detail but that wasn't the only place I was losing fluids from. The cable guy came around 4:30 and took one look at me and asked if I was okay. I told him I'm working on it, trying to decide if I should go in. He worked on my cable and I spent the majority of the time throwing up in the back. My neighbor Alissa gave me a phone line Dr. number to call. I called. By 5:30 I still did not get a call back, which, I thought the point was to hear back quickly. I got sick of throwing up, sick of waiting, and by now, truly concerned I was hurting Beaner. So, Alissa drove me to the ER. I visited the restroom in the ER twice before I even made it into my own room.
A nurse came in to do the Doppler to hear a heartbeat. Before I started, I told him the last time a Dr. did a doppler on me, there was no heartbeat and a few days later I had a miscarriage. He said, "Don't worry, I'm a nurse not a doctor!" So he went ahead and began searching, but found nothing. So now of course, I'm freaking out. The doctor walks in then and tells th nurse to ge the ultrasound machine. The doctor does the ultrasound and we immediately saw a jumping bean! Literally, it almost looked like Beaner did a flip! He was VERY active. We saw the heart beating and so, RELIEF hit.
The rest of the evening was spent getting liquid zofran, pecid, and IV fluids pumped into me...inbetween my bathroom trips. The doctor came in and told me I either had food poisoning or stomach flu (same as six weeks ago!) Plus, a UTI, dehydration, and blood in my urine. Yay me, but I was discharged on medications, fluids,and rest. Last night, I slept in my own bed and got a pretty good night's sleep. The crud has not left yet but I have not thrown up today so far. I think rest and fluids will get me well today.
The homework is not done and the house is a mess! The hubby is in soon. BUT.... Beaner is safe and I'm getting better and that's all that matters.
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