Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Time does not fly, it races

Time does not fly-
It races,
For if it flew then things
Would be slow and drifting...
Floating upon the air in
A cloud so fluffy,
That you could bask away the time gently...
One second slowly, after one second slowly,

But no....
Time races.
It speeds.
Time is a drag car upon
A hot black tar track,
That smokes as the wheels 
Igniting the engines
And firing the sparks...
Time races.
So quickly that when
You blink-
You miss it. 
And if you forget to capture it,
It's gone,
Like the smoke lifting towards
The sky.


My last post was when Augustus Charles came into this world. In one week, he will be seven months old. Time races. Oh how much I have missed to capture in word the changes that occur in seven months of baby life. I can't remember exact days and moments now when new things occured, but instead of beating myself up over this, I will simply cherish and remember what I can, and enjoy what I have. Currently, I have a sparkling bubbly gentle fun loving happy little boy who can sit up on his own, straight and tall, with a mouth full of two bottom teeth and so much joy. He is the happiest little tot one has ever seen. Maybe this is a good thingthat time raced by on my blog, instead of flew. For if the time flew by, I would have had many clouds to write about, but not the fluffy ones, rather, storm clouds...for tiny Gus has not always been this joyful. No, we went through many hard months of inconsolable screaming colicky baby who was simply distraught with no rhyme or reason. He's better now. Maybe he's not always a fan of the bedtime hours, but he's better. He loves to laugh, he loves to play with older brother (even if it consists of a lot of body slamming)! Gus loves to eat cheerios and whatever other small delicacies Matthew leaves on the floor for him to find! He likes to pull himself into a standing position on anything he can get his grubby slobber filled hands on. And boy, does he love his daddy! He grins ear to ear when he sees daddy. Daddy is truly this little man's hero!

Gus has the saddest brightest biggest eyes, like Puss in Boots from Shrek. He's ever so adorable and his brightness is so contagious. At six months he weighed in at 15 pounds, 14 ounces. Shortly after, I stopped nursing him as he practically ate all body reserves mommy had left! Plus, I planned to wean him so I could attend my brother's wedding in Hawaii, nursing and pump free. It worked out best for the both of us because my husband says he gained about two pounds when I was gone, thanks to all the formula and extra rice in the bottle! Gus has also learned to anticipate an approaching tickle attack. He will start grinning before the tickles even arrive on his skin!

Matthew is well. He has been sick off and on for the past month, with hand foot mouth disease?, an all over body rash, and temps reaching 104. However, he's on the better end of things now. He is still as picky as ever with his eating and still slurping down pediasure as if there's no tomorrow. He's about 24 pounds and fastly approaching a second birthday. He knows what presents are! He has already found Grandma's stash! He is also highly fond of candy, all sorts. We had our first trick or treating this year. Grandma Ann and I walked him door to door in his little navy poopy suit. He was such a doll and quickly caught on to taking a piece of candy from each house, mind you, a piece, not several! He was a very polite little trick or treater, strategically choosing the exact one he wanted and no more. Afterwards, we came home to hand out candy and he sure caught onto that quick also! While slow, the kids were patient while awaiting their one piece of candy to drop into their buckets! 

Neither boy has yet had a haircut and both have such fine curls, Matthew's are in the back and Gus's are in the front :) Last night Daddy drug them up and down the hall by a rope attached to the diaper box they sat in. They are both easily entertained! 

While in Hawaii for my brother's October 24th wedding, Grandma Ann and Daddy finally FINALLY (Thank you Jesus!) put Augustus on a two nap a day schedule. I couldn't for the life of me get him to nap. He is a much happier baby because of it I believe!

Gus has already figured out how to climb stairs. It is truly terrifiying and until we teach him how to go down them, we must watch him very closely. 

As I have been in a constant state of busy-ness, hence my lack of posts, it has been tough to do much of anything besides care for boys, husband, and house. But overall, this is fulfilling, as this is what I have always wanted. Dave interviews Wednesday for a position in Nebraska, as we are out of the navy come February 28, 2013. We are highly excited about this prospect-the people, job, town, area, closeness to home-it's all perfect, which may be too perfect as we are scared he 1. won't get the job or 2. won't get the right pay. So only time will tell and now we are praying fervently that God will provide. As we know, He will, and He knows what is best for our little family, but as of right now, this is a huge door that is cracked and we hope will open completely. 

It is time to feed my slug bug. :) Until next time!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baby Augustus Charles Rickenbach

was born on March 13th at 2:29 AM weighing in at six pounds and five ounces. He is simply perfect! He came out with a full head of dark hair. Today, he is three weeks and one day old, and yes, I am just now getting around to blogging! He sleeps basically all day and likes to wake up and look around from 9 to 11, without fail! Once he goes back to sleep , he stays asleep until 3 or 4.Good baby!

I have been in so much pain the last week I have mostly been confined to my recliner. I have not been able to even nurse Augustus side-lying because of some sort of pain in my back on the right side. I have done various tests and am on many pain meds. I have an MRI on Thursday and will hopefully recieve back injections after that. I am wearing tired of being so useless and in pain. I hope to start functioning again soon! In the meantime, I am looking into maid services, kind neighbors and church has been delivering meals, and Dave, God bless his heart, has been attempting to take on my duties, full time work, and has dealt with Matthew especially, more than he ever has before combined.

Surprise, Augustus needs to eat~ hopefully more to come soon!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Surprise, Surprise... No really SURPRISE!

Yesterday, Sunday, was 37 weeks... the milestone that marks a full-term baby. Sprout's last ultrasound showed him as an estimated 5.5 pounds with a full head of hair! I was invited to a ladies luncheon at a neighbor's house, Jen, one of few friends I have here in CT (been difficult to get out with the little one(s)! ) I went to a cookie swap back in December at her house and there were three other ladies there that I was able to meet and liked pretty well. I haven't seen those ladies since December other than an occasional wave outside. Well, I walked up to her house and I was running about 10 minutes late (busy putting Matthew down for his nap) and when she answered the door I walked in and there were 10 ladies there who all yelled "Surprise!" And of course, I was surprised, because I had no idea why they were yelling surprise. I looked around and saw baby boy decorations and soon figured it out as my eyes decided to maybe mist up a little! See, here I am in a place I can't stand in a neighborhood I thought who all ignored me, with a little boy who is my sole entertainer and having another on the way, and really, I learned today to eat my words. My neighborhood ladies showed up for a shower where half of them I have never even met. Yet, they planned this for three weeks and everyone brought me a gift, and wow... humbled I have been. It was probably the nicest thing I can ever remember someone doing for me, ESPECIALLY not knowing her for very long and not knowing half of my attendees ever. I really couldn't believe it. So I definitely learned the names with the faces, which I can never do, and I have addresses and contact information, and I will be making an effort once boy two arrives!!!

My party was a lot of fun. We played about four baby games and competed for prizes. There was a baby word scramble, ABC fill in the blank, candy bar name game, guess the belly circumference, don't say the word 'baby' or you lose your clothespin. We had great food that everyone brought: sandwiches, meat and cheese trays, veggie trays, fruit, cute little face looking pudding pastries, muffins, a pile of colorful cupcakes. One lady's husband made me a bottle lollipop bouquet! I guess Jen has been trying to ask me what I need for baby and I never gave her any definitive answers (how would I even figure she wanted to get me anything, let alone the neighborhood!) So I never had an answer. I told her we have all the clothes we need so I figure we are set! So the gifts were board books, diapers, and gift cards. Wonderful!

Not much more to report at this time. I'm feeling ready to have this baby and I think he's getting ready also! I can't top a post when I end with saying I think, when all hope seemed gone, I made ten friends today.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

14 mos and 34 weeks!

Matthew is 14 mos and 4 days and Sprout in womb is 34 weeks and 3 days. On Monday, Sprout's heartbeat was 134. My fundal height measured at 31 weeks. The doctor is slightly concerned about the baby's growth so another ultrasound has been scheduled for next week. Tons of movement still. My anesthesiologist consult is on the 14th. Hopefully Yale Hospital has located my hard copy X-rays, as they say they will not do an epidural without these X-rays. The clock is ticking people!

Today I went to the chiropractor for the first time in over a year (or two.) And I have come to the conclusion that it is a worthwhile expense in order for me to function. I feel a lot better already and I am excited for the prospect of having chiro once a week alternating with massage the other week. I think one visit a week would be good maintenance as well as somewhat affordable. I know it's worthwhile when I have to get my walker out and even my (cheap) husband says, "You better do something about this so you can function!" Haha. Well I'm glad he's finally seeing this. :)

This week I am attempting to take it easy and drink more water. Near the end of the week we will work harder at cleaning up the house because we are having the Pastor's family over for Sunday dinner. They seem to have people at their house all the time and we feel, as midwesterners, that the congregation should be the ones feeding the pastor, so we are excited for our Sunday company! We are going to grill (30 degrees or not!) and prepare a spread of burgers with all the toppings, grilled lemon pepper asparagus, fresh fruit salad, potato salad, and cheesecake. I'm quite excited!

Having a D-link camera to watch my baby napping is one of the best technological inventions ever! I can watch his cute little butt stick up in the air and I can see when he wakes up and stands in the crib quietly waiting for me to come rescue him for playtime. He's been a sweet baby today actually taking his nap!

Since he is still napping, I am cutting this short to get a few more things done. Until next time...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our walking little Bean! He is so cute to watch grow up. Just when you think they can't get any cuter, something new happens that makes your heart melt all over again. I'm so very excited every day to watch Matthew grow, while at the same time, knowing that very soon we will be able to continue the growth in another new little man coming our way. It has been such a blessing to watch Matthew go from a baby to a toddler, in what seems like just a very short time, all the while knowing we get to repeat the blessings starting in March.

I had a doctor's appointment on January 3rd that went well, as usual. I say as usual, because to me it is still very unusual to have such a 'boring' and 'on track' pregnancy. I am very happy for a healthy child but I kind of miss going to appointments twice a week! Also, I have very few ultrasounds and it was fun to watch Matthew develop inside of me, as I cannot do with Sprout. On January 3rd I was 29 weeks and 1 day and I was measuring 26 weeks fundal height. This is up from my last appointment, where I measured 21 weeks and was actually 25 weeks along, so the doctor's are not yet having reason to be concerned about size. Sprout's heartbeat was 146 and trust me, I'm definitely gaining the weight. :) Other than that, I had a rhogam shot and we were out the door. Next appointment is in three weeks.

My mom will be coming out this way, as she did last time, for approximately three weeks. She will be buying her ticket close to my due date and I have bittersweet feelings about her making or not making the birth. Since she was there from start to finish with Matthew, I really want her to be on time and be there helping and being able to experience it again. On the flipside, before I knew it might be possible, I also have wanted to go through this experience just with my husband so we can share the intimate moment alone. Now that it might be possible, I'm scared it will work out that way and I will forever be saddened that my mom wasn't there to experience, to help, to comfort, and to be the power nurse that she is and make sure that no one does anything stupid while I cannot be in control! So I guess if she buys her ticket when she does, God will intervene in either situation and whatever happens is meant to be. I know my husband is totally freaked out about having to go at it alone. He volunteered to stay home with Matthew. (YEAH...RIGHT!!!!) We do have a few kind ladies that have offered sun or moon to watch Matthew when the big moment arrives. This is comforting to know, as I will definitely not have to be alone.

I have had braxton hicks contractions for weeks now. Nothing painful, nothing worrisome, just is the way it is. I know I am blessed with my life, my situation, and this pregnancy thus far. I am excited for this little guy to meet our world and I am excited to also no longer be pregnant! I have been pregnant, breastfeeding, and pregnant for the past 22 months. I'm ready to have my body back thank you! However, I know it will be a long haul until that point is reached, as Sprout will also be a nursing baby for some time to come! I will just have to be thankful for attempting to get my shape back, no more morning sickness, the comfort to lay on my tummy, and saying goodbye to heartburn! You don't realize what it is quite like until you go through two (or more) pregnancies this close together.

Oh, and, love love love the glider/rocker. Thank you mom! I can actually spend some time with Matthew putting him down and waking him up now that I have a nice comfy place to sit in the nursery. It is almost unfair to Matthew, as Sprout will get a lot more use/rocking/mommy time out of the deal. But I'm happy to have it!