Our walking little Bean! He is so cute to watch grow up. Just when you think they can't get any cuter, something new happens that makes your heart melt all over again. I'm so very excited every day to watch Matthew grow, while at the same time, knowing that very soon we will be able to continue the growth in another new little man coming our way. It has been such a blessing to watch Matthew go from a baby to a toddler, in what seems like just a very short time, all the while knowing we get to repeat the blessings starting in March.
I had a doctor's appointment on January 3rd that went well, as usual. I say as usual, because to me it is still very unusual to have such a 'boring' and 'on track' pregnancy. I am very happy for a healthy child but I kind of miss going to appointments twice a week! Also, I have very few ultrasounds and it was fun to watch Matthew develop inside of me, as I cannot do with Sprout. On January 3rd I was 29 weeks and 1 day and I was measuring 26 weeks fundal height. This is up from my last appointment, where I measured 21 weeks and was actually 25 weeks along, so the doctor's are not yet having reason to be concerned about size. Sprout's heartbeat was 146 and trust me, I'm definitely gaining the weight. :) Other than that, I had a rhogam shot and we were out the door. Next appointment is in three weeks.
My mom will be coming out this way, as she did last time, for approximately three weeks. She will be buying her ticket close to my due date and I have bittersweet feelings about her making or not making the birth. Since she was there from start to finish with Matthew, I really want her to be on time and be there helping and being able to experience it again. On the flipside, before I knew it might be possible, I also have wanted to go through this experience just with my husband so we can share the intimate moment alone. Now that it might be possible, I'm scared it will work out that way and I will forever be saddened that my mom wasn't there to experience, to help, to comfort, and to be the power nurse that she is and make sure that no one does anything stupid while I cannot be in control! So I guess if she buys her ticket when she does, God will intervene in either situation and whatever happens is meant to be. I know my husband is totally freaked out about having to go at it alone. He volunteered to stay home with Matthew. (YEAH...RIGHT!!!!) We do have a few kind ladies that have offered sun or moon to watch Matthew when the big moment arrives. This is comforting to know, as I will definitely not have to be alone.
I have had braxton hicks contractions for weeks now. Nothing painful, nothing worrisome, just is the way it is. I know I am blessed with my life, my situation, and this pregnancy thus far. I am excited for this little guy to meet our world and I am excited to also no longer be pregnant! I have been pregnant, breastfeeding, and pregnant for the past 22 months. I'm ready to have my body back thank you! However, I know it will be a long haul until that point is reached, as Sprout will also be a nursing baby for some time to come! I will just have to be thankful for attempting to get my shape back, no more morning sickness, the comfort to lay on my tummy, and saying goodbye to heartburn! You don't realize what it is quite like until you go through two (or more) pregnancies this close together.
Oh, and, love love love the glider/rocker. Thank you mom! I can actually spend some time with Matthew putting him down and waking him up now that I have a nice comfy place to sit in the nursery. It is almost unfair to Matthew, as Sprout will get a lot more use/rocking/mommy time out of the deal. But I'm happy to have it!
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