Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve we had a sick little boy to take care of. We went for a drive and ended up cleaning out a carseat full of baby stomach contents, to put it nicely. Then we gave the Bean some tylenol to cure his fever and put him down for a nap. He was feeling better by Christmas morning and had a blast digging around through wrapping paper and gifts. He especially liked finding hershey mint kisses on the floor and we quickly realized while the candy is out, no gifts would be opened!

We received a glider/rocker/ottoman from Grammy and quickly put that to good use. Matthew even let me rock him to sleep (rare!) now that there is a rocker in his room. Last night, he cried for longer than usual so I went in and picked him up and rocked him again and he fell asleep instantly. Matthew enjoys playing with his elephant toy that shoots balls out of the trunk and his dump truck that makes back up sounds and releases cars from the dump truck with a push of a button.

Daddy received a Dlink camera for christmas which we installed above the crib and can now spy on what boy does before he falls asleep. The camera has been great! It's even greater with mommy's new phone from which I can actually view the camera from anyhwere :)

Last night I was reading a blog about a woman who gave birth 20 days after me, via C-section, to an IUGR baby. It has been interesting to see the differences and similarities between our pregnancies, sons, and lives.

Sprout is happy to be close to coming out. I can sure tell he wished he was here for Christmas, as his movements only get stronger and for the first time, dare I say, even painful! Who knew!? I am hungry all the time, heartburn all the time, have to pee all the time, and very steadily progressing to uncomfortable all the time, but happy just the same!

Merry Christmas and we wish you all the great blessings that come with the gift of Christ for this holiday season!

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