Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow White, Snow Green?

Since my last post, the snow continued to fall and yesterday I sat in my chair watching the snow fall from early morning and late through the night. By six PM, the wind was whipping, the electricity was flickering, and my phone was uncooperative for sending or receiving phone calls. I tried to get a hold of my husband to tell  him to stay on the boat and not try to come home. This is an almost impossible task when 1. my phone doesn't dial out and 2. unknowingly to me the boat lost power. I received a few text messages from my boat wives about some of the information of the boat. Apparently, they closed base and were not letting anyone off. This was relieving to me because I knew he would not be able to drive home and would be safe. At about 8 PM my phone rang through finally and it was Dave. He told me he was down town by H&R Block, which is just a few blocks from the corner of base. I couldn't believe he tried to come home! He was clearly frustrated, telling me he left work an hour earlier and had been sitting in the exact same spot down town for half an hour. My friend who lives further down the road from me in a different town, she called to tell me that her husband had been trying to get home from down town Bremerton since 3 PM. She wanted to know if he could stay with us if he had enough luck to pull off the road and walk. Of course that was fine with me. I immediately called Dave back to tell him the road he was on had been blocked since 3 PM because further up there were cars that tried to cross the bridge and ended up getting stuck in the middle of the road. Dave said if they were inching along he would be fine but the traffic was not even moving. I started praying to get Dave home and ten minutes later, he called to tell me he was able to get out of the line of blocked in cars, pulled into an alley way and parked the truck. He was already walking on foot toward main gate. Just trying to be helpful,  I offered to pick him up at the gate.  Of course he said no way; he didn't want me driving even a short distance. He told me the car would not make  it and he didn't want me to walk on the ice.

Dave finally made it home and we went to bed. This morning we were up at 4:30 AM to get him out the door. He walked to the truck and called me when he made it to work at 6 AM. I had an appointment at 11 AM this morning that I knew I was not going too. I  called my nurse to cancel the non-stress test. My concern with this is the fact that I haven't  had an ultra sound for two weeks (by the time I see her next) because we forgot the last one! My nurse called me around 11 to let me know she received my message and informed me she went into a ditch last night and also was not going to work. In fact, half the hospital was shut down for the day. Depending on weather and if she will be working Friday, I may or may not have an appointment. Beaner is still moving all over so I feel fairly confident that the Bean is doing well.

After Dave left, I read in bed for a while then went back to sleep. When I woke up again, I took a step outside to see the windy damage. The once covered white lawns are now completely covered in pine green tree branches scattered across in every direction. My beautiful Christmasy atmosphere is there, but the nastiness of the storm looms still. Dave told me last night as we were lying in bed that if I were to go into labor now, he would have to deliver me on the floor because there would be NO WAY to get to any hospital. Although I like the pretty snow, I am hoping when it is time to get to the hospital that we are able to get out, and even more so, I am hoping the weather will cooperate when it is time to travel with little Bean. Only time will tell...

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