Wow! I'm off on this writing ordeal! Sorry about that, it has been approximately ten days since my last post. Speaking of writing ordeals, my friend scored me a job, not only a job, but a job in my alley! No, I don't get paid. But that's not the point! The point is, I can put my pretty little Professional Communications degree to use! This comes at the most appropriate time, because today I was put on official home bed rest. Meaning, I'm bored and need a project! So here's the project: I get to email the six or so local news stations in the area to write an informative yet concise email to attempt to persuade them to visit our Naval Avenue Elementary School the day after Veteran's Day for a program where the Captain of the Sea Wolf and crew, the mayor and other elected political officials, and several veteran's will all be in attendance. On top of that, I may or may not have the chance to write an article for one of the papers about the event. (I have freelanced for them in prior months.) I might be such a nerd, but things like this are the things for me!
So yes, bed rest it is. Today Dave surprised me by coming home early to take me to my appointment. I had my non stress test and heartbeat was good, fluid levels were good, and baby's position is good. My next Madigan appointment has been moved up a week, which is really good, because we get to see sooner rather than later how the Bean is growing.
The unofficial news is my induction tentatively planned on December 8th. We are hoping that will not change because it works great with our move plans. Of course, every plan we make will be created around the health of the Bean. After labor and delivery, we will stay at a house on the Madigan base until Bean gets to come home. So far it sounds like Bean won't be able to be home for very long at all prior to taking off across the country. Again, everything is tentative and up in the air.
About my last post, all I can say is I think things will work out and I think I can officially say we are moving to Groton, CT.
Dave made Lieutenant this week. I was able to go to his ceremony and pin on his stripes. This is a big accomplishment and we are excited about it.
Not much new to report, other than I do have contractions now and I have some pretty annoying rib pain at times because, regardless of what the ultrasound says, I swear this baby is bigger than they know!
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