The cold is coming quickly now, especially with our heater not working. Our house is currently 61 degrees and with three babies, that's pretty cold! Today outside it warmed up to 29 degrees. Gotta love the start of winter!
Elijah is now three and a half months old. Yesterday he giggled for the first time. He is such a sweet little guy. A few nights ago he had a fever of 102.4. At three months and under they say to go to the ER for 100.4 and up. At three and a half months, apparently that is far enough away from three months, that when I called the ER, I was told to give him Tylenol and see if that helped. I unbundled him which lowered his temp in the first ten minutes and then I gave him Tylenol. By morning he was back to normal. He seems to be congested a bit and it makes it a little hard for him to breathe through his nose.
Matthew turns three soon. He understands what that means now. He already know what he wants for his birthday (a flashlight) and what kind of cake he wants (a cars chocolate cake). He also seems to think he wants a party. Funny little guy.
Augustus talks an awful lot now, even several phrases. He began talking around 14 months and is now 20 months. Matthew didn't even say more than about five words until he was about 26 months! So it has been interesting to watch them develop differently. Gus gets frustrated easily and wants so badly to be understood. With a little patience and time out, this is possible, I have found. He also used the potty for the first time ever by himself (meaning he sat down before he started going not me running him to the potty in the middle of going!). He was pretty thrilled about the concept of MandMs. I'm not going to push him anytime soon, but if he asks, I get him set up.
So this past week I gave my full effort at cleaning. Meaning, every spare moment I had, I'd clean something, with the focus on keeping the main floor spotless. I must say, this wasn't so hard when motivated. Not only that, but I kept up with laundry, sweeping, and dishes. And, every day I picked a closet or a shelf to organize. We are getting ready for the holidays because it is always nicer to have clean places to decorate and set your new gifts. We have Thanksgiving at the ranch, so we won't be home to make a mess. :) Then we have three birthdays: Dave, Mathhew, and myself. Plus of course, Christmas, which we plan to celebrate alone at home. I truly love this time of year and am very much looking forward to all of it.
I don't read the news. There is a good reason for that. My husband informs me of stories I do not care to hear and lets me know the news I maybe should hear. For this reason, I am grateful to be living in a small town, not that things could not happen here of course, but it gives me a bit of comfort.
Matthew asked Dave for a little sister, randomly this weekend while they were working in the garage. I swear I said not a peep to give him that idea! Funny kid, I guess he has our genes, because about this time after each baby is when we consider the next one. Sorry to tell him though, we have taken preventative measures (aside sheer absolute desire not be pregnant right now!) to keep this from happening, at least for a while anyway. Three under three is more than two handfuls right now! And I only have two hands, so we'll have to wait until individual comeptency becomes upon Matthew. :)
Speaking of hands full, I must go for now, as the middle child is kicking in the crib ready to escape nap time, while the noises of the kicks are hitting the monitor in my bedroom which just so happens to be where a sleeping baby lies, so I must go quiet the kicks before I have two awake too early instead of just one!
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