Monday, February 27, 2012

Surprise, Surprise... No really SURPRISE!

Yesterday, Sunday, was 37 weeks... the milestone that marks a full-term baby. Sprout's last ultrasound showed him as an estimated 5.5 pounds with a full head of hair! I was invited to a ladies luncheon at a neighbor's house, Jen, one of few friends I have here in CT (been difficult to get out with the little one(s)! ) I went to a cookie swap back in December at her house and there were three other ladies there that I was able to meet and liked pretty well. I haven't seen those ladies since December other than an occasional wave outside. Well, I walked up to her house and I was running about 10 minutes late (busy putting Matthew down for his nap) and when she answered the door I walked in and there were 10 ladies there who all yelled "Surprise!" And of course, I was surprised, because I had no idea why they were yelling surprise. I looked around and saw baby boy decorations and soon figured it out as my eyes decided to maybe mist up a little! See, here I am in a place I can't stand in a neighborhood I thought who all ignored me, with a little boy who is my sole entertainer and having another on the way, and really, I learned today to eat my words. My neighborhood ladies showed up for a shower where half of them I have never even met. Yet, they planned this for three weeks and everyone brought me a gift, and wow... humbled I have been. It was probably the nicest thing I can ever remember someone doing for me, ESPECIALLY not knowing her for very long and not knowing half of my attendees ever. I really couldn't believe it. So I definitely learned the names with the faces, which I can never do, and I have addresses and contact information, and I will be making an effort once boy two arrives!!!

My party was a lot of fun. We played about four baby games and competed for prizes. There was a baby word scramble, ABC fill in the blank, candy bar name game, guess the belly circumference, don't say the word 'baby' or you lose your clothespin. We had great food that everyone brought: sandwiches, meat and cheese trays, veggie trays, fruit, cute little face looking pudding pastries, muffins, a pile of colorful cupcakes. One lady's husband made me a bottle lollipop bouquet! I guess Jen has been trying to ask me what I need for baby and I never gave her any definitive answers (how would I even figure she wanted to get me anything, let alone the neighborhood!) So I never had an answer. I told her we have all the clothes we need so I figure we are set! So the gifts were board books, diapers, and gift cards. Wonderful!

Not much more to report at this time. I'm feeling ready to have this baby and I think he's getting ready also! I can't top a post when I end with saying I think, when all hope seemed gone, I made ten friends today.

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