Wednesday, November 30, 2011

27 on the 27th!

'Twas the night before my husband's birthday,
When all through the house,
Not a noise is peeping,
Not even Bean mouse.

The rice chicken soup is simmering,
On the stove with care,
In hopes that soon the sweet aroma,
Will fill the night air.

With I in my sweatpants,
And baby not in my lap,
If I didn't have so much to do
I would take a nap!


Oh, I love the Christmas season! My birthday is perfectly placed just days before December so I can fully bring in the holidays. And when I say holidays, I don't mean in place of Christmas! I mean, Christmas, Dave's birthday and Matthew's birthday. But first, I will tell you about my birthday, on November 27th, 2011, when I turned 27.

So the morning began with my husband making a special trip to starbucks to get me a venti half calf extra whip salted caramel mocha latte. This my friends, is amazement in a cup! Then, he made me homemade waffles with homemade berry syrup and Uncle Charlie made the bacon. Then Dave practically forced me to open my gifts because he's like a kid on Christmas. :)  After breakfast, I left Dave with the baby and the mess and Uncle and I went to look around the NEX for any good shopping deals. After seven pairs of tried on boots, I decided yet again, to wait. I love love love Bearpaw but they did not have my size 9. :(

In the afternoon we sat around and watched some football games, (which is always a good thing on NFL Sunday!) Dave brought me home a Dairy Queen icecream cake, decorated in gold. We had a piece and it was awesome. And lucky for me, my birthday is the last day of the season they are open! Then, we headed to the bowling alley at about 4:30. Now, this is where things were a little disappointing. I had invited a friend, (few and far between out here in the Northeastern part of the globe) and at the last minute she bailed on me. I'd like to say it didn't matter, but it truly was a let down and I just had to get over it. Still, we had a good time. I bowled a 106 my first game and something awful under 90 on my second game (but I blame my back getting sore!). Dave's friend from work showed up and my Uncle kicked all our butts. Kinda hard watching Matthew inbetween but I'm still very glad we got to go. I love bowling even if I'm not great at it.

As we drove toward my seafood restaurant of choice, The Fisherman, I felt sick but didn't want to make Dave stop at home (even though it was on the way, I thought I'd be tough). Dumb idea! The minute we pulled into the parking lot I got out and ran to the field and threw up. Crazy how for five weeks I haven't been sick other than in the morning and of all days and times, I had to choose to be sick right before my birthday dinner! The guys tried to get me to go home but I said I could handle it. The minute we walked in the door a waft of nasty seafood aromas filled the air. We ended up ordering our meals to go. I had some ginger ale while we waited. We headed home and ate our meals, I had baked cod and we shared calamari. This all, of course, was after I took a zofran and had felt better. Also, I fed Matthew and let him play as he was a crab at the restaurant!

All in all it was a pretty good day. I don't think I will ever be able to top my birthday in Seattle where our friends stayed the night at the high rise downtown with us and we danced and ate and it was amazing, then again, that is because I had friends to celebrate with! Or, the fifth grade sleepover party I had was also pretty great...again, it's amazing how friends can change your life. But my husband is so very sweet and he really tried and he did a great job overall. So I very much appreciate him.

As I sit in my chair now, I feel Sprout's extremeties kicking and hitting and moving all over the place! He sure is a strong little one and I am blessed to be welcoming another boy soon enough. For Dave's birthday, we have so many leftovers, including birthday cake, that he probably won't be looking forward to anything fresh! I offered to make him a meal and a cake and he wants none. (I think he's recovering from a food coma!) For Matthew I will make a cake and we will do it all over again on Sunday!

Time to go check on the soup! I'm so excited and it took long enough writing this post to officially consider it late enough for dinner now, so here I go!

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