Friday, September 24, 2010

Fast week slow days

Somehow it is already Friday, even though each day seemed to drag on and on and on! I am getting really bored and I don't really feel like cleaning every minute of every day. Therefore, cleaning is still a viable option but not a fun one! I have finally sewed all the squares together for my quilt and have yet to put a backing and maybe a middle in. Once again, I have the time to do it, but now I lack proper motivation. I still feel so good about finally getting the pieces together I am not ready to break into the finish! Same with scrapbooking...I finally finished the year 2008 and now have 2009 to complete, not to mention 2010. However, if I get all my stuff out again, the living room floor will be cluttered for another week or two, and then the vicious cycle of thinking my house is so messy begins again! So I am at a stand still. During the past few days I have worked on my class work, arranged my NFL fantasy teams to be just right, and have caught up on an amazing amount of television, mostly comprised of baby shows and different TV series shows. The weather is nice today but my left lower back/hip seems to think it is okay to stab me like needles, so I haven't done much walking this week. Beaner kicks continually and usually curls into my lower left hip, so I am thinking I might blame the Bean on this back pain! Don't worry, Bean's tough, he/she doesn't mind being blamed. In fact, if I were reading this out loud as I am writing Bean would probably laugh with mischief!

I looked up a moby wrap today. I decided I want to try one out which also made me decide I can make it myself. The video makes it look so fancy and complicated, but it is simply a five yard piece of cloth by 20 inches wide. So basically, to make it, all I have to do is buy a five yard piece of cloth and cut it to the proper width. And viola! I have a baby carrier. But this brings us back to the sewing machine, which means I will have to pull it out again and start this new project when I still haven't finished my quilt! I think to motivate myself maybe I shouldn't start my wrap until I finish my quilt. And really, there is no sewing required even, except I want to make the edges look nice.

When Dave gets home today he said he was going to wash and wax the car. I will be very impressed if this gets done! I will be even more impressed if he can talk me into helping! I have some exciting news but cannot share it this early as of yet. I have to work out some details first then I will share. And no, I still don't know what I am having, no I still don't know where I am moving, and no, I am not having twins. So maybe it is not that exciting, but you'll have to wait till next post to judge the excitement yourself!

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