Surprise! I'm back! Needless to say, I have been very busy the last few months. I haven't been keeping up with my writing as I had hoped. There is far too much life going on to worry about recording it!
Matthew Joseph is six months old and 13 days. Three days ago he decided to start crawling for the first time. It's more like 'scooting' but you get the idea. Two days ago he decided he was over crawling (already yes!) and instead thought he would be better at attempting to walk. So, daddy sat him on his little wiggly bottom and he leaned forward because he cannot balance himself yet. Instead of falling forward into a crawl, he fell forward, put one led under his butt, and did a one leg squat into standing position. Yeah, I didn't believe it either! Until yesterday evening when I sat wiggly down, put my hand behind his back, watched him fall forward, then, he took his two tiny legs and placed them below his hip and pushed up onto his feet in full standing position. So yes, our six month old two feet and 2.5 inch tall Bean stood up on his own. Exciting! (And kind of creepy!) We believe he will walk before full crawl because he does not like hardwood floors (certainly daddy's boy!)
Last night the Bean pot went to bed on his back at 8PM. I didn't hear a peep from him. Not at 11, not at 4:30, not at 5:30 not at 6... I would usually at least hear him moving around through the baby monitor or he'd full out wake up. Not last night. By 6:30 I got worried and went in to check on him. There he is stirring in his little sleep, fully on his belly. Since he's finally (about a week ago) figured out how to roll from his back to his tummy all by himself, here he was in bed, on his tummy all at his own doing. He was comfy and cozy in his favorite position, hence his long sleep! :)
Matthew got six month photos taken on June 4th by a nice lady who did his pictures for free because that is her thank you to my husband for his service in the military. We have some cute photos of him at the beach. She did a decent job.
Last week I took Matthew to the splash pad on base housing. I put him in his little swim trunks and matching sun hat. I carried him through the sprinkling water and he didn't cry, as I thought he would, so we kept going. I held him by his arms and let him stomp his feet over the water spouts coming up. He got splashed in the face and kept on stomping. Then I let him put his hands in the spraying water, let him sit on the water, and walked him through droplets of water. He got soaked and loved every minute of it. We played in the water for a good half hour and he didn't make a peep of complaint! It was great!
I made squash for Bean but that is not his favorite. I think he most enjoys his oatmeal with smashed banana and milk. He hates carrots. There will be more to experiment with soon!
Bean is an amazingly smart and smiley little boy who is so very full of life!