So much for writing every week! Looks like it took me five weeks! Welcome to motherhood right?
We are settled in CT. The snow came fast and furious for four weeks straight. Although the storms are finished, the snow has accumulated to the point of no longer being classifed as 'snow' but rather ' glacier-like pillars.' Yep, piled far and wide, our 'snow' is now ice caps on land. Welcome to CT! But all is well.
My husband has had the blessing to be home for the past three weeks. He returns to work tomorrow. We have done a lot of nothing, which is great because we have made up for lost time during the move. We spend a great deal of time holding Bean and doing other Bean-like things. Matthew is the greatest little guy in the whole world. He is now 10 pounds. He has just started to smile. He loves sitting in his bouncy seat and taking warm baths, but only if his entire body is submerged. I have found flower pots and popcorn tins to work best!
At six weeks, he went through a growth spurt and spent a great deal of time being cranky and overly hungry. Last night it appears he might have hit another growth spurt...that or he had a really upset tummy. We have started him on a rotation of eating, playing, and sleeping. He does fairly well unless he doesn't feel great. Last night we were up every hour dealing with a rigid furious ten pound bundle of anger. No matter how little sleep we get, in the morning, Matthew is still just as cute!
Bean likes to watch television, and even at an early age, it does an amazing job at keeping his attention. I didn't think he could pay attention that long. He has surprised us many times by his abilities. He can hold his head up very well and began doing so at around three weeks. He still rolls over and he follows moving objects intently with his eyes. I'm not biased, but he's still as cute as ever! This is a fact given to us by a church we went to last Sunday. It took a good half an hour to leave after the service because of everyone oogling over the Bean. They said he was perfect, most adorable baby ever, etc. etc. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm the mom, but it's true. I would enter him in a contest but these days, it costs money to prove yourself so it's not even worth it! We do think he's pretty sweet though!
Matthew is the greatest blessing we have ever received and we will not take for granted one day with him.